
My name is Claudia - I am a mum, a wife, a gamer, a crocheter, a metalhead, and a doctor. I was born and raised in Johannesburg (in sunny South Africa) to British parents, and I'm now living and working in the UK.

I have been a gamer since an early age, having grown up watching my three older brothers dismantling PCs, getting excited over random bits of metal and silicon, and then connecting all our PCs together on our dining room table so we could play multiplayer StarCraft.

My Nan taught me to crochet when I was far too young to understand its potential (doilies?), but I only really got into it when I was at medical school and I saw a friend's Ravelry page. Seeing all those patterns and what could be done with crochet amazed me, especially amigurumi, and I taught myself to crochet (thanks YouTube!)

This year (2024) I decided that I'd like to create my own patterns for characters and creatures from video games; as well as my own original ideas, so that others can also enjoy them.

Because integrity is really important to me, I don't sell patterns that involve the intellectual property of others (e.g. video game characters), but have shared these with you on this website as fan content, and only where the respective studios' fan content policies allow for this.

Please share your creations, comments or questions with me by contacting me, or by commenting on individual patterns, and I'll do my best to get back to you. 

I hope you enjoy my designs!